When marketing to prospective new clients for your eyelash extension business, don’t focus solely on women and totally overlook the other half of the population. That’s right- even men are beginning to see the benefits of eyelash extensions.
Here are some reasons male clients may be interested in trying out eyelash extensions for themselves:
Male modeling. Male models need to look their best at all times and they also need their eyes to really pop and stand out in photos. Eyelash extensions are a great way to help accomplish this and make a model’s photos stand out from the competition.
Acting. Actors communicate with their eyes, and whether they’re on the stage or on a TV show subtle eyelash extensions can help make their eyes appear even more expressive.
Unhappy with natural lashes. Just like women, some men are unhappy with their sparse, short, or pale eyelashes and want to know what they’d look like with fuller and darker lashes.
To look younger. Eyelash extensions make the eyes appear wider and more awake, which can make the whole face appear younger and more vital. This can be just as appealing to men who are concerned about aging as it is to women.
Just to have a cool new look. Eyelash extensions can complement other experimental male looks, like the use of “guyliner” which can be very fashionable.
No matter what their reasons, reassure your male clients that eyelash extensions can look amazing on anyone. Be sure to answer their questions and listen to their preferences when it comes to the eyelash look they’re hoping to achieve.
In general, male clients tend to prefer a more natural look that doesn’t look like mascara. To get a more masculine look, opt for straight lashes, and stay away from ultra-thick or super long sets. You may also want to offer dark brown
lash extensions instead of black.
Always ask if your lash artist is Safe Lash Certified. www.safelashcertified.com