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IMPORTANT Spring-Time Humidity Reminder!

IMPORTANT Spring-Time Humidity Reminder!

Humidity levels rise in the spring with the rain. If you use our GOLD, CLEAR, or Premium Private Labeled Fast-Dry glues, you need to make sure you monitor and adjust your studio's humidity for optimal dry-time.

How to monitor your humidity:

1. Buy a humidity monitor for $11.99 on Amazon. This is important for every lash studio to have and CHECK DAILY! Our Lashology and Premium glues dry best in under 30% humidity.

2. Buy a dehumidifier. I bought this on Amazon for our Denver, CO lash studio because it is big enough to pull moisture from the whole studio but if you have a smaller space, you may be able to find a smaller unit. They have dehumidifiers at Home Depot and Lowes as well. MAKE SURE YOU DUMP THE WATER DAILY!

What happens if your humidity gets too high while using these lash glues?

Your glue will not dry as fast. This doesn't affect retention but you won't be able to work as quickly as you usually do.

Questions? Call or text us at 720-297-0002 or email us at



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